Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 13, 2018

I'm a few weeks into research on the new book. This one will examine two specific threads which run through all of my nine previous nonfiction books. If you have read all of them, you might ask what ties them together, considering that I've written about Disneyland, breakaway civilization/secret space program stuff, occult murder, Roswell, forgotten ancient civilizations and Ambrose Bierce, etc. I was mildly startled to find these threads running through thirty-three chapters of all nine of the books -- and think about that little tidbit: 33 chapters, my Disneyland book Latitude 33, etc. Just another synchronicity for the stack.

The more academic research will have me busy for a couple of months, along with some field investigation, of course. Though I'm doubtful I'll get to the bottom of it all, so to speak, I hope to at least provide a big picture analysis demonstrating how these particular threads might make more sense of all the stuff I've been writing about. Actually, I expect more threads to emerge and for this book, my tenth nonfiction work, to perhaps open the next door. Look for the new book this summer.

I'm scheduled to appear at Esotericon in Nova Scotia in May and I'm looking forward to that because I've never been there. I'm also scheduled to speak at the 5D Event in Los Angeles in August, giving a presentation on my Secret Missions books. I also plan to attend AlienCon in Pasadena this summer, having been on Ancient Aliens, it should be fun.

Keep watching for posts and hopefully a new article or two here. A lot of stuff is still cooking.

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